Our Work
over 500,000
Meals Served
Marriages Conducted
School Kits For Kids
Education Scholarships
Cancer Insurances
Homes Built

(Feed The Hungry)
This is where it all began. This program is mainly directed toward providing daily meal for the patients and their bystanders of Kozhikode Medical College, Chest Hospital, and Beach Hospital.
കാരുണ്യത്തിന്റെ ദീപ്തി
(Education Aid)
This program seeks to provide financial aid and technical supports to meritorious students. Under this program, we provide financial aid to students for their higher studies and technical support to those in need.

കാരുണ്യത്തിന്റെ ഭവനം
(Home For Homeless)
This program is initiated to give support to the homeless and those who are facing financial crisis to put a roof over their heads. Financial aid is provided to complete the construction of a house.
കാരുണ്യത്തിന്റെ ഔഷധി
(Medical Aid)
This program focuses on helping chronically ill patients (psychiatric, heart, kidney, and cancer patients). The required medicines are provided to the patients and other financial aids are also distributed.

കാരുണ്യത്തിന്റെ മംഗല്യം
(Marriage Aid)
This program is mainly funded to support and financially aid newlyweds, irrespective of religion, caste, or creed. Under this program, nuptial chains, clothes, and financial support are given. So far we have provided financial assistance for conducting 34 marriages.
കാരുണ്യത്തിന്റെ നിർദ്ധരി
ZMART foundation's Can-Share project is a joint venture of ZMART foundation with City co-operative bank and MVR cancer institute. As part of this project we are sponsoring individuals to join MVR's City care project.

Mercy 365
(Part of Feed The Hungry)
This program is part of Feed The Hungry. Through this program, one can celebrate their special days (birthdays, anniversaries, remembrance days, etc.) by donating a day's meal.
ZWEEET Scholarship
(Part of Education Aid)
ZMART Women Education Employment and Empowerment Task (ZWEEET) is set up mainly for the higher education of women by providing support for professional education.

സ്നേഹ സാന്ദ്രം
(Inspirational Scholarship)
ZnehaZandram Award is an endowment setup for individuals who lead inspirational lives, by Karikkottu George Oommen and Rachel George in thet loving memory of their daughter Sandra.