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കാരുണ്യത്തിന്റെ  മന്ന 

(Feed The Hungry)


This is where it all began. This program is mainly directed toward the patients and their bystanders of Kozhikode Medical College, Chest Hospital, and Beach Hospital. This is a venture to provide a meal for them once a day throughout the year. We launched Mercy-365 programme to support this project.

In addition to providing food for patients and by-standers daily, ZMART foundation has also aided many efforts to feed the hungry as situation arose. During the initial days of the covid pandemic, as hotels and restaurants closed in and around Medical college hospital, Kozhikode, ZMART foundation took up the job to provide food for covid patients, doctors and other health care workers at the hospital. ZMART has also provided grocery kits to families who had lost their incomes during the pandemic. 


കാരുണ്യത്തിന്റെ ദീപ്തി 

(Education Aid)


This program seeks to provide financial aid and technical supports to meritorious students. Under this program, we provide financial aid to students for their higher studies and technical support to those in need. During the covid pandemic when online classes were the norm, ZMART has aided the effort by providing smart phones and television sets for families who couldn't afford them. We also provide laptops for meritorious students in Professional colleges and degree courses to support their education. At the beginning of each school year we provide a school kit containing school bag, books, tiffin boxes and other stationaries for kids from schools in tribal regions of Kerala.     


കാരുണ്യത്തിന്റെ ഭവനം

(Home For Homeless)

This program is initiated to give support to the homeless and those who are facing serious financial crisis to put a roof over their families. Financial aid to help complete the construction of a house is also provided for needy families. This program also helps people, who are on the verge of foreclosure, pay back their housing loans. So far we have helped with the construction of 12 houses.


കാരുണ്യത്തിന്റെ ഔഷധി

(Medical Aid)

This program focuses on helping chronically ill patients (psychiatric, heart, kidney, and cancer patients). The required medicines are provided to the deserved patients and other financial aids are also distributed. As additional services we have provided medical aid to the Edakkara palliative clinic. The cente has nearly 300 patients under their care. ZMART supplied the clinic with medicines and medical equipments for 2 months.


കാരുണ്യത്തിന്റെ മംഗല്യം

(Marriage Aid)

This program is mainly funded to support and financially aid newlyweds, irrespective of religion, caste, or creed. Under this program, nuptial chains, clothes, and financial support are given. So far we have provided financial assistance for conducting 34 marriages.


കാരുണ്യത്തിന്റെ നിർദ്ധരി


Dr. Zacharia mar Theophilos gave a new meaning to cancer, with which he himself was fighting, and he renamed the disease as CAN-SHARE. ZMART foundation's Can-Share project is a joint venture of ZMART foundation with City co-operative bank and MVR cancer institute. As part of this project we are sponsoring individuals to join MVR's City care project which provides cancer treatment coverage of upto 5 lakh per person.. Among the 35 selected during the first phase of the project, 28 have been sponsored in the loving memory of Mr. Sheebu Koshy Mathew, Kaipanaattu Puthumana, Puthuppalli, Kottayam.


Mercy 365

(Part of Feed The Hungry)

This program is part of Feed The Hungry, so they're directed toward the patients and bystanders of Kozhikode Medical College, Chest Hospital, and Beach Hospital. Through this program, one can celebrate their special days (birthdays, anniversaries, remembrance days, etc.) as a merciful one.

Join *Feed the Hungry*(Kaarunyathinte Manna) venture by donating a day’s food on your’s or your loved ones special day: be it a birthday, an anniversary or remembrance. We are looking for 365 kind donors to kickstart our Mercy 365. The cost of donating 1 day's food for 400 patients and bystanders is Rs. 8,000.


ZWEEET Scholarship

(Part of Education Aid)

ZMART WOMEN EDUCATION EMPLAOYMENT EMPOWERMENT TASK (ZWEEET) is set up mainly for the girls and women. Through this program meritorious girl students from underprivileged families, are aided financially to complete their professional education. Different scholarships are set up solely for this purpose too.

Scholarships are awarded to girls through an endowment program organized by friends of ZMART in memory of a loved one to provide financial aid for the education of girls attending a professional course. So far we have provided 28 ZWEEET scholarships.


സ്നേഹ സാന്ദ്രം 

(Inspirational Scholarship)

ZnehaZandram Award is an endowment setup by Karikkottu George Oommen and Rachel George (PT Chacko Nagar, Thiruvananthapuram) in memory of their daughter, Kumari Sandra Mary George. The award is given to individuals, who despite their physical weaknesses, are constantly working and living as inspiration to others. The first award was recieved by Singer Elizabeth S. Mathew, who conquered Tourette syndrome with her music, was presented with a citation and a cash award of Rs.50,000 by the Mayor Dr. Beena Philip.

© 2022 ZMART Foundation

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+91 94469 54959

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F9/87, Haritha Nagar, Chevarambalam,

Kozhikode - 673 017. Kerala. India.

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